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May 28, 2024
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10 Tips to 10x Your Sales

Master Your Sales: 10 Proven Tips to Boost Your Shop Revenue
10 Tips blog

Let’s explore 10 practical tips that Fourthwall creators use to boost sales. From leveraging platform features and creating promotional content to building hype and utilizing seasonal strategies, these tips are designed to enhance your sales tactics and grow your community. 

1. Order samples

It’s important to see your products in person before you promote them to your supporters. Order samples of your products both as a quality check and for promotional purposes. If you’re wearing your own merch, your supporters will be more excited to wear it as well. Show that you’re passionate about what you’ve created by posting content showcasing your products being worn by yourself or friends.

Mads Mitch is a great example of this. She uses her samples to promote her merch drops.

2. Use your Fourthwall site as your main link

Giving your Fourthwall shop link priority placement increases visibility, traffic and sales. Creators who display their shop in the top link position across socials platforms earn 4x more.

Harry Mack displays his shop link first on his YouTube channel

If you prefer to display all of your links in one place, Fourthwall's Links List feature allows you to direct people to your website instead of squeezing multiple links on your socials. Taking advantage of this simple feature ensures your supporters can find and access your merch easily, directly boosting traffic and sales.

3. Create limited promo codes or sitewide sales

Enhance your sales strategy by offering limited-time promotions or site-wide discounts. Timed offers create urgency, encouraging supporters to make purchases they might otherwise delay or forget about. This is a marketing theory called The Scarcity Principle, and it’s proven to be effective for many years. Even if you’re not quite ready to create new products, offering a promo code or discount can help build excitement and generate new sales.  

Example: Try offering free shipping for one day only, and promote it ahead of time on your socials. Or, create a 20% off promo code that can only be redeemed by the first 10 people who place an order. 

SourBoys offers free shipping as a sitewide discount

4. Display your products on socials (Instagram Checkout, YT Product Shelf, TikTok Shop)

Over 20% of all sales on Fourthwall come from YouTube, IG/Facebook, and TikTok. Display your products wherever you make content, so fans know what you’re selling. With the rise of social commerce, it’s becoming more important to offer a seamless shopping experience to your supporters. This means you should be showing your products in videos, on stream, in images, etc. Fourthwall makes this easy by allowing you to display your products on YouTube, Instagram/Facebook, and TikTok. 

Connect your Fourthwall shop to your YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok page to allow supporters to shop while they view your content. 

5. Find creative ways to promote

Creating the best promotional strategy for your products should heavily depend on what your audience likes. Drawing up a promotional marketing plan for your launch should be one of your top priorities. Decide when you’ll make the initial announcement, how you’ll show the products, whether or not you’ll offer early access to anyone, and when you’ll officially launch. Rather than just incorporating the products into your usual content, try making different and eye-catching promotional material that will stand out. 

DougDoug used Fourthwall to create a custom mug and created a funteaser video to announce the launch. 

6. Build anticipation with a countdown  

Generating hype around your shop is one of the best ways to make more sales as soon as you launch. Create a plan that allows you to build up anticipation over a period of time. While finalizing your site, you can display a custom countdown page that will show supporters when your shop is launching. Share your shop link ahead of time so customers know exactly where to go when it’s time to buy, and so they can check in frequently to see the timer counting down. 

7. Increase demand with early access

There are so many tools at your disposal that can help you reach supporters and incentivize buyers. Sending fans messages directly before your drop can exponentially increase the success of your launch. Integrations like beehiiv, Klaviyo, and Laylo are perfect for this. These allow you to collect supporter emails or phone numbers, which you can use to promote your next launch. 

Rewarding past buyers or newsletter subscribers with early access or special offers is a great way to build loyalty and show extra love. Do this by setting your shop to “Coming Soon” and “Allow early access with a password.” Once you set your password, share it with supporters via email or text.  

8. Reward customers with thank you videos

Rewarding early buyers is key to retaining customers and fostering a strong community. By sending personalized thank yous to supporters, you can show them how important they are to you. There’s also a chance that they’ll share the thank you message online, which will create FOMO (fear of missing out) and may incentivize other supporters to purchase merch in hopes of receiving a thank you as well. Fourthwall allows you to seamlessly send these videos after a customer makes a purchase. 

9. Focus on 2 to 8 products

Offering too many products can create analysis paralysis for your supporters, ultimately resulting in them not making a purchase at all. Try not to overwhelm customers with dozens of product listings. If you’re offering several collections, use our “collections” feature to keep them organized. This will make it easier for you to keep track of limited edition offerings, and it will give customers a seamless shopping experience. 

10. Stay on trend

Tailor your merchandise offerings to fit whatever season it currently is. Aligning your products with the seasons will help you meet your supporters’ needs while also keeping your site fresh and relevant. Fourthwall’s product catalog has options that suit every type of weather. 

Example: When winter is approaching, opt to add custom knitwear to your site. For summer months, consider adding warm-weather items like tank tops, dad hats, crop tops, or even swimwear!

Start boosting your sales today

By following these 10 tips, you can effectively increase your sales and create a more engaging, successful Fourthwall shop that your community will love. Remember, the key is to stay connected with your supporters, showcase your products creatively, and utilize the powerful features and integrations that Fourthwall offers. Start implementing these strategies today and watch your sales rise.

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