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Dec 1, 2023
min read

Why and How to Thank Your Customers

Enhancing Community Connections: Sending Thank You Videos to your Supporters
TY video blog image

When promoting your online shop, two of the most important steps are:

  1. Making sure your audience knows this new project is important to you
  2. Making early buyers feel special

Showing appreciation to your community is a key part of making these early buyers (your superfans!) feel special. Fourthwall allows you to do this by sending Thank You videos to supporters who purchase from your online shop. This feature is a game-changer, especially during the busy ecommerce times. 

Why You Should Send Thank You Videos

Thank you videos lead to:

  • More Buyers: Creators that send TYs see 34% more repeat orders.
  • More Money: This increases the total spent per supporter by over $16
  • Faster Returns: Of fans that receive a TY and make a repeat purchase, over 50% do so within 60d of receiving the TY

To see how effective these can be, check out how Alexis Ohanion sent hundreds of Thank Yous to promote the launch of his new “Los Angeles Golf Club”

1. A Personal Touch & Strengthened Community Bond

In the era of digital communication, personalized messages matter. Sending a Thank You video adds a human element that's often missing in online transactions. It's like handing your supporter a gift in person.

As a creator, your community is what helps you succeed. When you take a moment to send a personalized video, you're not just thanking someone for a purchase; you're acknowledging their support and contribution to your journey. This acknowledgment can turn a one-time buyer into a long-term supporter.

2. Creating Lasting Memories

A Thank You video isn't just a message; it's a keepsake. Supporters can replay it, share it, and remember the moment they felt valued by their favorite creator. These videos can become part of their favorite memories, creating a deeper emotional connection with your brand. A satisfied supporter is more likely to make more purchases in the future after receiving a personalized thank you through Fourthwall. By showing appreciation, you’re not just closing a sale; you're opening the door for future ones. As you enter the New Year, these happy supporters can become advocates for your brand, sharing their positive experience with others.

3. Easy and Effective

With Fourthwall, sending a Thank You video is as easy as a few clicks once you download our mobile app. It’s an efficient yet effective way to show appreciation without adding any stress. The simplicity of the process means you can focus on creating content that resonates with your community, while Fourthwall handles the rest.

How it Works

  1. Supporters can choose to leave a message to you while placing their order
  2. Within the Fourthwall app, go to Contributions > Thank yous. Don't have the app? To download the mobile app, you can just scan the code below, which redirects you to the app marketplace.
  3. You’ll see a list of supporters left to thank. You’ll also be able to see the messages they’ve left you. Select one and click “Start Sending” to record either a video or audio message of 30 seconds or less.

A Small Gesture with Big Impact

It’s always the perfect time to show extra love to your community. A Thank You video through Fourthwall is a simple yet impactful gesture that can transform how your supporters view your brand and deepen their loyalty. So, make the most of this unique opportunity to connect with your community in a meaningful way. Get started today!

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